Thursday, March 9, 2017

File:Shamrock.svg5th Grade NewsletterFile:Shamrock.svg
March 20-March 24

Reminder: Tuesday, March 21 is our Gala Pizza Party.  Please have your child bring a drink (no pop) and a side (veggie or fruit) to eat with their pizza.  Thank you!

Religion –  We continue to re-visit our Lenten Theme-Moving Toward Jesus.  Each student filled out a Lenten Plan that will be reflected on weekly during Lent.  There will be a Lent Prayer Service on March 20 at 2:45.  Please feel free to attend.  We have started a unit on the Ten Commandments.  We will take some time to discuss each commandment and then create a 10 Commandments booklet to share with and teach our 1st grade buddies about the 10 Commandments.  This unit will continue after Spring Break.

Reading/Language Arts –  We will continue to complete mini lessons/activities for the comprehension strategies.  Following Spring Break, we will also take some time to read in whole class novels or in Literature Circles.

Math –  We are going to start Unit 7: Exponents and Negative Numbers.  We will continue to practice writing the homework assignment and concepts to study in the planner at the end of each class just like they will be expected next year.        

Science -We have been discussing the Circulatory system this week.  Learning all about our blood vessels, what components make up our blood and the function of the heart.  Students took a quiz over the information they have thus far and will continue a more in depth study of the Heart when we return from Spring Break.

Language Arts – We will completed our “Writing on Demand” unit this week with a writing piece entitled, The Best Part of Me.  If you are in the building after break, stop down in the 5th grade hallway to see the completed pieces.  They turned out great!  The students self assessed their work using a rubric.  I will also give a score on the same rubric.  We will continue our figurative writing unit after break along with a Poetry Writing Unit.

Spelling –  Our next Spelling list includes words that have the Greek/Latin roots poly, multi, hexa, hepta, oct, and dec.