Friday, March 1, 2019

Week 22 News

Upcoming Events : March 4-8
  • MONDAY:  
  • TUESDAY:  
  • WEDNESDAY:  Liturgy @ 8:45, ASH Wednesday Mass Celebration
  • FRIDAY:  

Religion –We continue to work through presenting our Google Slide Presentations on the 7 Sacraments.  We are also continuing to work through our unit on the Works of Mercy. Students will be responsible for knowing all of the Works of Mercy as well as how a 5th grader can serve others following the Works of Mercy.  We will be attending Ash Wednesday mass on Wednesday to observe the beginning of Lent. Throughout Lent we will be attending school wide prayer services that will be held in the church. These services will be held on March 11 at 8:40, March 26 at 8:40, April 4 at 8:40, April 12 at 8:40, and Stations of the Cross on April 19th at 2:30.

Reading/Language Arts – Mrs. Schaffer’s and Mrs. Anderson’s classes have started a round of Literature Circles.  Group members are assigned chapters in their group’s book and a particular comprehension role each day.  Upon completion, groups discuss their completed roles and then receive new assignments. Mrs. Alsin’s class is reading the whole class book Bridge to Terabithia.  Many comprehension strategies are being utilized throughout this book.

Math –  We spent time working on improper fractions, mixed numbers, and parts/whole.  Next week, we will continue to spend time converting fractions to decimals and percents.       
Social Studies - Students are back to weekly geography quizes on Fridays as we study map skills from a variety of different places.  Look for these to come home each week to be signed.

Science - We have finished up our short unit about our individual health and ways to balance exercise and eating choices.  We started our discussion on some of the body systems and will focus mostly on the circulatory/cardiovascular system before moving to the respiratory system.  Students will use their ISN (Interactive Science Notebooks) and will be encouraged to bring them home to study nightly to get into some good study habits.

Language Arts – We spent this week learning about Interjections and Persuasive Writing.  Students chose their own persuasive topics today and will begin researching next week.  They will go through a guided process of researching and organizing. This information will then be taken through the writing process.
Spelling –  Next week’s Spelling List will consist of words that contain the Greek and Latin Roots trans, dict, duc, and duct.  We will also spend time learning about similes and metaphors.